Is Dissertation Coaching for You?

It can be very hard to finish a thesis or dissertation. These are by definition long projects, and graduate students often find themselves in situations that work against completion. Not finishing has become so common that the acronym, “ABD” (All But Dissertation), is now used in many job postings. These days – due in part to the rise in the number of online and low-residency graduate degree programs, and in part to cuts in academic programs that leave fewer tenured and tenure-track advisors with less time for their graduate advisees – degree candidates often find it very hard to develop effective working relationships with those who are designated to help them complete.

Dissertation and thesis writing can be a very lonely path. Often, degree candidates are done with coursework, already working, and away from campus. The enthusiasm, energy and camaraderie they enjoyed in the early years of their graduate program can fade away into uncertainty, depression and isolation.

A dissertation coach can work with you to transform what looks like a hopeless cause into a completed project and a graduate degree. A coach meets with you regularly to help re-imagine your relationship to your project, to develop realistic timelines and working schedules, to address negative thinking and procrastination, and to create a healthy relationship with your committee. A good coach provides accountability – without negative criticism and judgment – and works as a project co-manager, helping to clear obstacles and plan work.

Are you tired of pessimism, confusion, loneliness, doubt, and guilt? Consider working with a coach to get it done. I’d be happy to talk to you about your dissertation or thesis to see if I can help.

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